Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The "Gimme" Patriot: Ask Only What Your Country Can Do For You

The "Gimme" Patriot: Ask Only What Your Country Can Do For You

By Naomi Ragen

I started thinking the other day why this election is so important to me, and why Obama's candidacy touches me so deeply. It is not just about Israel. It is about America, the wonderful country in which I was born and educated, which is the leader, and last bastion of freedom in a world that is too confused to stand up against the forces joined against human freedom.

Yes, I firmly believe that from the very beginning of his career, Barack Obama has been supported and aligned with forces that are anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. Yes, I believe that he has surrounded himself with anti-Israel advisors. If these facts have anything to do with his Muslim father and step-father, or his early education in a Muslim school in Indonesia, I don’t know, and frankly I couldn’t care less. There are plenty of anti-Semites with Jewish fathers who grew up in Israel. So his family background or ethnicity doesn’t matter to me.

If I really thought- despite this- Obama was a good choice for America, I wouldn’t hesitate to say so. Because having a strong, freedom-loving leader that is committed to American values as head of the free world , helping America to stand fast against its haters, is more important than anything else.

And no, there is no conflict of interest with my concern for Israel. Because there is no way a person like that could be against the struggling little democracy in the Middle East I live in.

What concerns me is that Senator Obama has not shown that commitment, that love, that strength. Quite the opposite.

What concerns me is that even though he and his wife have benefited from every opportunity America has to offer in their education and employment, they don’t seem grateful.

I was a little girl when John F. Kennedy ran and won the Presidency. I remember his inauguration speech well. He said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Obama keeps asking his country: What have you done for me and mine, now or ever? He is a "gimme" patriot.

Barack Hussein Obama and his wife belonged to a church filled with Black bigots, which damned America, feeling no gratitude at all for all the progress made in civil rights, and the many, many, many white people (predominantly Jews by the way) who were at the forefront of the civil rights movement and affirmative action, all things that allowed the poor son of a twice divorced white woman to get an education at Columbia and Harvard and to rise quickly and without impediment to one of the most powerful positions in America. I have never heard him express any gratitude for that. What I hear is how the country is so terribly flawed and how he and his friends are going to fix it by taking money from rich white folks.

And even then, he won’t be grateful. His grandparents, who took him in, brought him up, and cared for him, when his divorced mother sent him there, he has called : “white folks.”

Americans have had years of brainwashing to convince them not to be proud of what America stands for. The Obamas are a product of that.

Obama and his wife with your vote would like to take over the last bastion of freedom in the world and change it into “something” they would be proud of. I don’t know what that “something” would be. But it’s the same “something” that CNN, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Guardian, would be proud of, and why they are trying so hard to get him elected. These newspapers are ashamed of Israelis who fight back against terror. They blame Israel for Palestinian atrocities. They ignore crimes against Muslim women by Muslim men in the name of multiculturalism. They claim not to understand the word “terrorist” and never use it if they can help it. They think the war in Iraq that freed the world from Saddam Hussein and his missiles was a mistake. They thought the “surge” which has brought victory was a mistake. They think that Islam is a religion of peace. They ignore- or ridicule- real freedom fighters, like Ayaan Hirsin Ali and Brigitte Gabriel. They ignore vast human rights abuses in Muslim countries, and the vast hypocrisy of the U.N. when it comes to human rights, but believe that 9/11 was brought about because America is arrogant, and not sensitive enough to Muslim “concerns.” They think the solution is to open more mosques, and more medrassas run by the Muslim Brotherhood funded by Saudi Arabia. They believe America must take in more illegal immigrants;practice reverse discrimination favoring Blacks and Muslims; and tax to the hilt anyone who works hard and builds up a nest egg in order to subsidize those who don’t work at all.

The Jewish community in America has been a major beneficiary of American values which has allowed it to flourish in freedom without discrimination. They should be more concerned than anyone that the America that has sheltered them is going to be taken over by those who don’t view that as a miraculous and wonderful accomplishment. By those who aren’t grateful. Jews, more than anyone, should be concerned about a leader who is not proud of all America has accomplished, not grateful, and who wants to pick their pockets to achieve unspecified “change.” I fully expect that the part of the American Jewish community who haven’t attended a synagogue for years, don’t know a word of any of the prayers, are all in favor of abortions and intermarriage, and gay marriage, are going to be more afraid of any candidate with ties to Jews for Jesus, than they are of a candidate with ties to Louis Farrakhan and Kadaffi. That was statistically proven in the last election. But this time, it’s not a John Kerry they’ll get. They’ll get exactly what they voted for, even if they haven’t yet figured out it’s the opposite of what they should want for themselves and their children.

Unfortunately, the results of their vote has the power to weaken the dikes guarding our little Middle-Eastern democracy as well, so there will be no place for them to run. If this sounds alarmist, it is. I am alarmed. More than I can say.


PanzerMarkVI said...


Thank you for those comments. After Barack Obama's speech at Invesco Field (formerly Mile High Stadium) in Denver, workers found tens of thousands of American Flags in garbage bags all around the Stadium's garbage bins. Naturally, Republicans jumped on the dumped flags and have been distributing them at their political rallys telling their supporters about appropriate flag disposal while doing so.

In response, The DNC is now claiming that they had left the flags there in the garbage bags so they could transport them to other election events.

And, I'm skinny and NOT NOT physically disabled... In other words, one doesn't put things with multiple pointed sticks into garbage bags if one intends to transport them anyplace other than the garbage.

May Barack should stop claiming that everyone is questioning his patriotism when they question his experience, judgment, positions or something else that has nothing else to do with patriotism - Because it then tells us that he really doesn't love the real United States of America...

Shalom, Michael

Unknown said...

I think you hit the nail on the head. You call a spade a spade. Obama and his aids are grabbing at straws trying to disqualify Sara for lack of experience when it is Obama himself that has no experience. I think that all we will have in our pockets after his term in office, is change. No morality, no leadership, you-owe-me mentality. I am afraid for Israel and Jews.

Mike said...

Thank you, Naomi, for one of your most compelling pieces.

I'm more optimistic today, now that the polls have begun to swing sharply toward McCain-Palin and a party upon which Israel can better depend.

It appears that Americans in growing waves are discerning the truth of many of your observations about Obama. To paraphrase the old adage, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but" you can't fool them all indefinitely. Time has run out for ungrateful folks whose pride in America is less than clear. It has run out for the Dem. Party partisans who never consider voting for anybody else, including but not limited to many, many Jewish voters who have failed for decades to realize that times have changed and we are no longer in late 1940s America. And time has also run out for starry-eyed people, like me, who a few months ago thought that it would be great to vote for a man as a symbol that America is now an 'elevated' country whose Civil War is finally over with. Symbols are not enough for voters if they, like I, continue to have serious nagging questions about depth and quality of experience and trust. Neither McCain nor (even) Palin elicit such lingering doubts.
Reston, Virginia

Former redhead said...

I sent this to Naomi as an email and she asked me to put it on her blog. I have never been on a blog before. I did rewrite a few things for the larger audience. It’s kind of long.

> a Palin-hater to this column is to deny the hatred. They will say it’s her politics, her religion, or possibly the whiff of scandal some have managed to ladle upon her. But if they’re honest with themselves, they’ll have to admit three simple facts. First, the reasons they give aren’t the reasons they hate. If they didn’t have these, they’d manufacture others

Republicans seem to excel at ad hominem arguments. As I mentioned maybe a week ago, the Republicans at the convention kind of scared me. I saw people loving to hate the other Americans who don’t agree with them and that paragraph above is redolent of hate and insult. Why insult me? This is not a healthy way to engage in disagreement. Naomi apparently got an opposite message from the crowd. Fair enough. We can’t afford to hate one another. You know the Greek mantra, Evil breeds evil. Same goes for hate.

The fact Palin has a normally sexual daughter I do not blame her for. I think of wild teenagers I knew who turned out just fine. As Obama says, that's off the table. Chelsea, the Bush twins, Obama’s kids, etc. Off the table. If a Democrat tries to make anti-Sarah points in my presence by assailing a family member, I discourage that!

Why I don’t trust Palin:

#1. Had Sen. McCain selected Meg Whitman (former eBay) or Carly Fiorina (former HP) as VP, fine. Proven executives. But Palin? Gidget-like charisma and a heartbeat away from the red phone? Very dangerous. And the constant din stating that criticism of her is sexism? If you believe she is above criticism, I can only stammer—but—but—you mean we MAY crit McCain and Obama and Biden but NOT Palin? Insupportable.

#2. I've read stuff over and over, I believe about half, about her phoniness. The book banning stuff is exaggerated, but only in the length of the list, not in her intention, as I read about it. There are lots of rumors out there about Palin (mainly from non mainstream sources), but also an abundance of rumors about Obama (i.e. that he is a Muslim and went to a Madrassa). For example: the claim that Obama wants to teach sex education to kindergarteners, when in fact the bill was to protect kids against sexual predators. O’Reilly promotes Jessica’s Law and I believe this to be perfectly confluent with O’Reilly’s valid goal.

For Jews reading this, there is a law called lashon hara, about gossip. It hurts all four candidates, for the wrong reasons, thus hurting us all. Criticize all you want. But we all have to speak truth as close as we can get to it. Of course, in my pro-Obama calls, some of the “undecideds” I get tell me they trust NO politician and as a Libertarian, I can live with that. I trust Obama and his judgment, and McCain’s integrity but not his judgment. I call him Sheriff McCain!

A friend added this: “She continues to lie about the "bridge to nowhere" despite videos of her proving that she was for the bridge during the gubernatorial campaign. How can you trust someone that tells such a blatant lie over and over even after it's unmasked as a lie? She initially lied about her involvement in the firing of the police commissioner until a tape was made public of conversations from her staff.”

You may hate Obama. Your right to. But why buy that filigreed entangled nonsense that Palin puts out there?

#3. She's a committed animal killer and I am a committed pro-animal vegetarian.

Interesting sidelight: The excellent speechwriter who created her image, Matthew Scully, recently published DOMINION, all about animal welfare andkindness etc. He is a vegan who wears no leather. My kinda guy. She is the opposite. Why he wrote for her, dunno. Can’t be just money. People who care so much about animal welfare do not betray their own deep emotions. So--a mystery for a while.

OK lemme read a bit more of that screed.

Oy vey! If I read him right, I'm a pathological mess. Now you, NAomi:

> It is about America, the wonderful country in which I was born and educated

We agree. The world then of Perry Como and Eddie Fisher. Now it's the world of billions sent to Iraq and Hallicheney and $ lost, $ lost, $ whereabouts unknown.

You know what "drill drill drill" means to me? It means we do not wish to challenge creative America, the brilliant engineering minds in the big corporations, the daring scientific researchers in university labs, and the Steve Jobs/Steve Wozniak--Bill Gates/Paul Allen--Sergey Brin/Larry Page guys in their garages, to come up with new exciting unthought-of solutions to our planet-jarring eneergy problems. Nope. If you're a Republican, just chant the Gregorian religious litany, DrillDrillDrill. --On this at least Naomi, on this paragraph, you must be in agreement with me. As a creative person, you must trust American creativity. We just need to unleash it. Not stifle it. We are the world’s source of great innovation.

But the oil tyrants who own the Republican side of the government, And maybe the Dem side too for all I know, don't want freemarket competition. A year or so ago as I recall it Bill O'Reilly said clearly with zip ambiguity that if he got a bunch of rich influential friends together to start a new oil company, refinery, or oil-whatever, he would NOT be permitted to do it. The fix is in. Bureaucracy. No dice.

So Sarah-Schmarah. I think we need to rip the cancer of corruption out of the administration. And Change with a cap C is the only available tool. (And may be fool's gold in any case. But we gotta try.)

It ain’t about hope.
It ain't about change.
It is about survival.

And by the way Naomi, as a superb writer (I remain a fan), do ou consider it fair for McCain to try to forestall debate by the liberal use of “emotional blackmail” words like “brave, win, patriot, honor”? Instead of thinking through a knotty problem, say, “We will succeed with honor” and that means no one else may demur?