Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Sleaze Factor

I got this e-mail attacking John McCain which is so beyond the pale disgusting, that I couldn't believe it.

From: IKatzSent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:07 PMTo: pure sleaze September 10, 2008 PURE SLEAZE.... Last night, Hilzoy tackled the substance of John McCain's latest TV ad -- the one that suggests Obama's support for giving sex-ed lessons to kindergartners -- and explained why it's breathtakingly wrong..... [L]et's not be surprised. McCain is pure sleaze. Sound harsh? Sure. But any other interpretation of the man at this point amounts to willful obliviousness or an embrace of the fantasy that he somehow doesn't know what his campaign is doing in his name. This is the race he's decided to run.....

Now I'm mad. I'm really, really mad. You can say you don't like John McCain because you don't agree with his politics, or he's not a good enough dancer, or he's the wrong color, or age, or (most probably) belongs to the wrong party, but no one, especially no American, should ever, ever call him names, or denigrate him! John McCain is a man of integrity and character who has served his country with honor and never, ever boasts about it. This e-mail calling him a sleaze has crossed every red line.

Dear Obama supporter who wrote this: Do you have any idea who John McCain is? He is war hero that refused to leave prison even though he was seriously injured with broken limbs and he was getting no medical care. His father was the admiral in charge of all U.S. forces in Vietnam and wanted to get him out. But John McCain refused: he said he wasn’t going until all the prisoners that had been in longer than him got out first. For this, the Vietnamese hung him by his broken arm and knocked out all his teeth. They tortured him for days, until finally he agreed to sign some stupid statement. He still refused to go. But he felt so bad about signing the stupid statement under torture, that he said he contemplated suicide. John McCain a sleaze? What have any of you ever done for your country, or your fellow human beings on such a level? What courage have you ever shown, what character? If you want to see a sleazy person, look in the mirror, or a picture of your poster boy, the man who has never done anything for his country but explain how flawed it is, and how he is the one to set her straight. You make me sick! You and every other Obama supporter, and Obama - the "great savior"- himself, Mr. Former Cocaine Taker and “community organizer” brainwashing black kids to hate America and take it for all they can get are not worthy to lick John McCain's boots and while we're at it, Sarah Palin's heels.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All of y'all please stop and take a breath. I will heartily agree that during the Viet Nam era, John McCain was truly heroic. And Barak is young and reminiscent of Bobby Kennedy But please before both sides start spewing venom against each other again take a minute, go visit both and Check out what is true, sort of true or truthiness or dead wrong.

all of the candidates do a lot of cherry picking of their facts about what they have done and what their opponent has done. Most of the national newspapers and cable & regular TV news cater to the extreme far left or extreme far right. and here in the blogosphere anything goes and with it a lot of anonymity that makes it easier to fan the flames.

I know that the candidates that I support are not perfect, and the opposition is not the devil. So I do take the time to fact check. I do take the time to read and watch the others sides programs. That way I can decide which one better suits my needs.

And I personally fell that calling my opponent and his/her followers various epithets is sinking below their level. and demeans me also.

respectfully submitted.