Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sarah Palin:Cherishing Life

I understand 400 Rabbis have signed a pro Obama petition. I also understand, by watching a heartbreaking video of a nurse who testified before Obama about signing into law a bill that would limit what is euphemistically called "late term" abortions (the babies are born, then carried to the morgue and allowed to die) that Senator Obama refused to vote in favor of that law. Jews love life. Even our enemies taunt us with that as a weakness. I believe that women should have a choice over their bodies. Jewish law allows abortion if a fetus endangers a woman's life or her well-being. But there is no question that Jewish law is completely pro-life and allowing a baby born alive to die is against Jewish law in every respect.

One of the 400 Rabbis is (surprise!) reform, from a temple called Sukkat Shalom which prides itself on being "freed from the confines of strict ideological definition of Judaism, open to diversity of members personal lives."

I'm taking a wild guess that this means they embrace intermarriage and gays, and probably abortions. Correct me if I'm wrong. Just the right kind of "Rabbi for Obama."

Sarah Palin, poor thing, doesn't have rabbinical ordination from the Hebrew Union College. But in having her Down's Syndrome baby, she showed her values are very similar to my own Jewish values. I guess I just can't embrace the "diversity" of automatically murdering a fetus which might not be perfect.

I applaud this personal integrity, courage and faith that allowed her to make this choice despite pressure to abort. Below, her words on this subject. They are heartwarming.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Gives Birth to Down Baby Despite Abortion Pressure

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by Steven Ertelt Editor
April 22, 2008

Juneau, AK ( -- As many as 80 percent of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome become victims of abortion, but Alaska Gov, Sarah Palin didn't let her child become a statistic. Palin, who has deeply-felt pro-life views, gave birth to her fifth child this week and the baby was diagnosed with the condition.

On Tuesday, Palin confirmed her baby, named Trig Paxson, has Down syndrome.

"Trig is beautiful and already adored by us," Palin said in a statement obtained.

"We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives," she said.

'We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed," the 44 year-old governor added.

Trig was born on Friday, one month before his due date, and he weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces.

Pro-life advocates heaped praise on Palin about the news and said she and her family made a courageous decision to keep the baby.

“I can't help but remember Governor Palin’s campaign slogan ‘Take a Stand,'" Debbie Joslin, the president of Eagle Forum Alaska told

"Her choice to value life in a very personal way speaks volumes and gives those of us in the pro-life community in Alaska cause to believe that we truly do have a pro-life leader in charge of our state," she said.

"When so many in our culture have chosen to devalue the lives of those who face special learning disabilities, Governor Palin shines as a great positive role model," Joslin added.

Billy Valentine, a pro-life student leader who worked on the presidential campaign of Sam Brownback, was equally excited.

"Thanks be to God that Gov. Palin is pro-life and the baby wasn't one of the 80% of Down syndrome lives that are aborted each year," he said.

"Say a prayer for Gov. Palin and her family and thank God that the baby is blessed with a pro-life family," Valentine added.

The Palins have four other children including Track, 18, Bristol, 17, Willow, 13 and Piper, 7.

1 comment:

compugraphd said...


I am pro-choice -- from what I've been able to glean, "pro-lifers" are against abortions that would be permitted by Jewish law. But pro-choice means pro-choice -- that means that any woman who chooses to NOT have an abortion has made a very valid choice.

BTW, in my travels through alternative medical journals, I found out that there is a doctor who has found a way to help downs syndrome babies to have normal lives -- basically, the extra chromosome that downs syndrome people have (I believe it's trisomy 21 -- meaning there are three chromosomes #21 instead of two) causes there to be a chemical imbalance in their bodies -- by taking certain nutrient supplements they can re-balance their systems and lessen or avoid the symptoms of downs syndrome.

BTW, I'm a Liberal -- card-carrying -- but Israel and the security of the US are more important to me. Obama.... where did he come from? Who is supporting his campaign (financially)? I don't trust him. McCain, who I am planning on voting for, though had misgivings, made me feel better about voting for him when he chose Ms. Palin. Though I don't agree with all that either of them stands for, I certainly feel that I can't vote for Obama (this will be the first time I will be voting for a Republican for president). Go Sarah!
