I'd appreciate hearing from my many readers in Florida about this. Note the condescending tone of the grandchild sent to
talk his doddering old grandmother into voting for Obama.
Off on the Great Schlep
Jewish grandkids get an earful in Florida as they try to woo relatives toward Obama. Joel Stein/Opinion/ Los Angeles Times
September 19, 2008
FORT LAUDERDALE , FLA. ˜ If you need proof that this is the most important election in a generation, get this: Jewish grandkids are flying to Florida to visit their grandparents -- without being guilted into it - without being guilted into it -- to talk their elders out of voting for John McCain.
The Jewish Council for Education and Research -- a new pro-Obama political action committee -- is organizing "The Great Schlep," in which hundreds of Jews will make the Southern exodus on Columbus Day weekend, Oct. 10-13. They will travel to the Fort Lauderdale area, where they will visit their grandparents, organize political salons in their condos and eat incredibly bad food. The grandkids also will meet up at a bar one night, which -- if the psychological impact of spending a few days with frail, elderly, widowed relatives is taken fully into account -- may do more to repopulate the world's Jews than the creation of Israel.
More than hockey moms or gun-toting God lovers, old Floridian Jews are the most important demographic in this election. They make up about 5% of the voters in a swing state with 27 electoral college votes. They never miss so much as a condo board vote and are normally reliable Democrats.
Barack Obama's trouble winning over older Jewish voters has been difficult for pollsters to explain, so I came here this week to visit my grandmother, Mama Ann, and find out what the hang-up is. After a long discussion about policy, I asked her if the reason she was leaning toward voting for McCain was because Obama is black. She assured me that it was not. Though during dinner, she did casually mention that her grandfather used to express a superstition that if you ate marrow, you'd date a black man. I had no idea that for so many generations, Jews have hated marrow.
Mama Ann thought the three days of the Great Schlep would be very effective. "Oh boy, the grandparents will start cooking three days ahead," she said, making me worry that many Schleppers won't last through three days of canned pineapple and dry chicken. "If they see their grandchildren, they'll go along. They just need more assurance on Israel ." Israel , Mama Ann explained, is the key issue her condo friends vote on. When McCain sings about bombing Iran , he is singing a sweet serenade to Florida 's elec toral collegians.
To persuade Mama Ann to vote for Obama, I used many of the talking points suggested to me by Great Schlep organizer Mik Moore. These included the fact that Obama went to Columbia and Harvard, and McCain got bad grades in college; that Obama has been criticized by the Rev. Jesse Jackson; and that Obama ran the business side of his campaign better than any other candidate. I did not know that I could be so racially offended by my own people.
After convincing Mama Ann not to vote for McCain, I then had to persuade her not to write in Hillary Clinton, who the old Jews here love for her feisty, scrappy Estelle Getty-ness.
Feeling confident, I headed down to the condo Hadassah meeting, where I asked some people who they were voting for. A few had Obama buttons in Hebrew. One wanted to tell me how Lyndon Johnson helped the Jews more than people know. Seven wanted to set me up wit h their granddaughters despite the fact that I was wearing my wedding ring.
But many more were sure Obama was Muslim and that extremist Arabs "had his ear." I strongly urge Obama to take one day off campaigning and go to a courthouse to legally change his middle name from "Hussein" to "Seriously, People, I'm Not a Muslim."
Having tackled the Hadassah meeting, I drove over to Palm Beach with Mama Ann to talk to her first cousin, Rochelle Bramsen. When Rochelle's daughter and son-in-law, whom she lives with, argued for Obama, she bristled. I joined in, and asked -- as suggested by the talking points -- if she inaccurately thought Obama was a Muslim. Both Aunt Rochelle and Mama Ann said yes, they thought he was. When we all tired of arguing about that, I asked if it would be such a big deal if Obama were a Muslim. This was, I quickly realized, not on the list of recommended talking points for good reason.
"For me, personally, that would be an issue," said Rochelle. Thinking we'd trapped her in a rhetorical corner, her kids and I asked why Muslims in office would be worse than Christians. To which Rochelle deftly responded, "Who says I'm OK with Christians?"
Rochelle was also upset that Obama didn't wear an American flag lapel pin at first. I asked Rochelle if she wore a flag pin. "No, but I expect more from our leaders," she said. I am pretty sure Rochelle just doesn't trust anyone who doesn't wear at least some jewelry.
Still, by the end of our discussion, Rochelle seemed to have joined Mama Ann as an Obama supporter. But there's a fair chance that by Columbus Day, both Mama Ann and Aunt Rochelle will have forgotten that.
So it's important that other grandchildren -- hopefully some who are vaguely my age and shape -- fly down here for the Great Schlep salons. Ev en if they fail, they won't be sorry: I saw a movie for $3.50, had dinner for $10 and was treated like whatever the Jewish equivalent of a saint is by everyone in the condo complex just for stopping by. I say we do this every Columbus Day. Next year, hopefully, we'll be hanging poolside with retiree John McCain.
Jerry Balash
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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If you really knew the US as you pretend to, you'd be aware that Joel Stein is a well known humor columnist for both the LA Times and Time Magazine. The title "The Great Schlep" might have given you a clue that this is tongue in cheek. You need to lighten up.
Recently an insurance company nearly wind up....
A bank is nearly bankrupt......
How it affect you? Did you buy insurance? Did you buy mini note or bonds?
Who fault?
They bailout trouble finance company, but they will not bail out your credit card bills……You got no choice, and no point pointing finger but you can prevent similar things from happen again……
The top management of the Public listed company ( belong to "public" ) salary should be tied a portion of it to the shares price ( IPO or ave 5 years ).... so when the shares price drop, it don't just penalise the investors, but those who don't take care of the company.....If this rule is pass on, without any need of further regulation, all industries ( as long as it is public listed ) will be self regulated......because the top management will be concern about their own pay check……
Are you a partisan?
Sign a petition to your favourite president candidate, congress member, House of representative again and ask for their views to comment on this, and what regulations they are going to raise for implementation.....If you agree on my point, please share with many people as possible....
Sen. Obama’s a Socialist/Communist
It’s an easy smear to accuse someone of being a Socialist/Communist.
But where is this coming from and what does it mean? We Americans over 40 have a knee-jerk reaction to the words “Socialist” & “Communist”. Probably because we remember the days when the main enemy of the US was the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics. We grew up learning that these words were evil.
But the Cold War is over... It is 2008, not 1968.
There are only 2 real Communist countries left, North Korea & Cuba. China & Vietnam have morphed into a Socialist/Managed Capitalism hybrid. So let’s agree that it might make sense to be open to rational thinking about how our Government spends OUR money without throwing labels like “socialism” in.
Is it Socialist to expect actually VALUE on the money we pay in taxes to the government? Is it Socialist to expect the tax money to be used for decent health care like EVERY country in Europe and even Cuba? Is it socialist to expect our taxes to keep freeways repaired, water clean, airports safe, drugs safe, food safe and so forth? I don’t think so.
McCain will put Joe-the-Plumber (common folk) ahead of the corporations? He’s doesn’t have a great track record in this area. See:
Reagan sold us all the idea that if we support and enhance big business, big business will create great WEALTH by not being interfered with by government. That wealth was supposed to trickle down to us. I know you probably revere Reagan. But his economics have brought disaster.
It’s hard to make this socialist charge against Obama stick when the US Government, backed by a Republican President, just dropped about a trillion dollars into bailouts and buying bad debt. Is Bush a Socialist?
Deregulation has been pushed by Republicans and lots of Democrats over the last 25 years. The Old Savings and Loan meltdown of the 1980’s & 1990’s and the current global economic catastrophe has deregulation written all over it.
Total bill to taxpayers:
1980’s-90’s S&L crisis (with John McCain right in the middle of it) $560 billion dollars.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: $200 billion
AIG bailout: $85 billion
Mortgage bailout: $700+ billion
How good would out schools be with 1.5 trillion of support?
How good would out medical care be with 1.5 trillion of support?
Could we have helped the mentally ill Americans who sleep on the sidewalk all over America with some of that money?
Could we have advanced clean non-fossil fuel energy technology with that money?
These are the rewards of de-regulation and belief in the “trickle down’ economy.
Let’s admit that we pay taxes and expect VALUE from our government. That means to keep wall street greed from hurting our economy and citizens. I think it’s fine to de-regulate the phone company, but maybe our banking and mortgage system needs a little supervision. What is really wrong with our government making sure that people can get medical care and not go bankrupt over a serious medical condition. How about government making sure that American children are well educated. Isn’t that a big priority? Would we NOT want government protecting our water supply, providing police, fire departments and so forth? The de-regulation myth is dead. We need a SMART government that serves us, the taxpayer, not the big corporations that have excessive influence in our government.
Here, in plain language, is why we have a government:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
So think about this ridiculous communist/socialist charge. Do you really think that Sen. Obama will seize private property and give it to the state?
Here is the definition of Socialism:
Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.
Think this through.
Sen. Obama palls around with/is a Terrorist(s)
If this belief is based on William Ayers, please consider these facts about other past domestic terrorists ( a phrase that didn’t exist back in the 1960s).
Former IRA bomber Gerry Adams was welcomed at the White House as a peacemaker.
Former PLO leader Yasser Arafat was too.
Former Students for a Democratic Society member and Ayers friend Tom Hayden was elected to the California State Assembly.
Former Black Panther Bobby Rush is a congressman representing Chicago. (From Chicago Sun-Times)
This article from the Sun-Times offers a lot of detail:,CST-NWS-ayers12.article
Also this — with detailed footnotes:
Please consider that Sen. Obama’s opponent is trying to use FEAR as a tactic. Do you think (and fear) the way people tell you to? Or do you look at the details (not the sound bytes) and make up your own mind?
Sen. Obama is a Muslim /Arab/Satanist
Listen to John McCain on the subject:
The campaign to brand Obama as a Muslim/Arab is denied by McCain and is the same kind of whisper campaign that attacked McCain in 2000, suggesting he had an illegitimate black daughter.
Think back - Where do you get this idea from. Emails? Rumors? This kind of thing has a long dirty tradition in US politics:
Opponents to Andrew Jackson claimed his wife was a whore. A popular song went: “Oh, Andy! Oh, Andy, How many men have you hanged in your life? How many weddings make a wife?”
Thomas Jefferson’s opponents called him 'A mean-spirited low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father'. Someone actually began a rumor that Jefferson was, in reality, already dead.
Lincoln: One New York paper suggested that “Barnum should buy and exhibit him as a zoological curiosity”.
A Charleston paper had this to say about Lincoln:
“A horrid looking wretch is he, sooty and scoundrelly in aspect, a cross between the nutmeg dealer, the horse swapper, and the night man... He is a lank-sided Yankee of the uncomeliest visage, and of the dirtiest complexion.”
I think Lincoln turned out okay, despite his looks and “complexion”.
Think about it... Consider the source of these rumors.
Christians can’t support a Democrat
This video is worth watching:
Is it Christian to judge people by what they say, how they act and not by labels?
Sen. Obama is not like me/us.
If you look back at your family tree... Would everyone look like you? I have poor Irish, English, French, Austrian and who knows what else. Most didn’t speak English. Let’s say your daughter had a child with a black man (Like Sen. Obama’s mother did) Would you reject that child and say it is “different” or “strange”? This is America, a land of foreigners gathered together for freedom and ideas and opportunity.
We need to “Drill-Baby-Drill”
Listen to John McCain on offshore drilling.
The bottom line is that oil demand is growing, mainly due to China and India, and there is only so much oil. Thinking that drilling in Alaska will drop the price of oil is just naïve. What I’m saying is that this is a non issue — it has no real effect on our lives over the next 4 years. Using this issue to decide a President doesn’t make real sense.
We can’t “surrender” in Iraq
Before we talk about surrendering, can we talk about what VICTORY in Iraq looks like?
Is it the end of all suicide bombings for a certain number of consecutive weeks/months? Is it when the legitimately elected government of Iraq asks us to leave?
Isn’t this much more of a police action the last several years? How do you win a police action? What are we getting for our 1 trillion in tax money? Is the world a safer place because we occupy Iraq?
Read this from the BBC:
The outgoing commander of US troops in Iraq, Gen David Petraeus, has said that he will never declare victory there. In a BBC interview, Gen Petraeus said that recent security gains were "not irreversible" and that the US still faced a "long struggle". When asked if US troops could withdraw from Iraqi cities by the middle of next year, he said that would be "doable". He said he did not know that he would ever use the word "victory": "This is not the sort of struggle where you take a hill, plant the flag and go home to a victory parade... it's not war with a simple slogan."
Compare what Petraeus I saying with what Obama is saying — what is the difference really?
Oh... And the MONEY. $9 BILLION a month. What are we getting for it?
“The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated the cost of "prosecuting" a war against Iraq at up to $9 billion per month, on top of an initial outlay of up to $13 billion for the deployment of troops to the Persian Gulf region.”
I vote for those who have been in the Military
ABOUT MCCAIN: The son of an Admiral who was the son of a Admiral, McCain grew up in a family where war is natural. Those of you who have been in or near war know it is not a natural thing. It is a horrible, evil, unnatural thing.
Millions of young people die in wars for old people’s ideology. My father was one. He died in his mid-twenties with a pregnant wife when his USAF plane slammed into a mountain in Japan in 1955. We can SAY that he died protecting America but he wasn’t. It’s just the truth.
No country was threatening to invade the USA in 1955. He was there to resist Communist expansion in Asia. What does it matter now?
The following is my main reason for note voting for McCain.
John McCain has the classic high risk personality of a fighter jock. Those of you who know the fighter jock personality, please consider - is that the kind of temperament you want as President?
Let’s look at his aviator career:
Three crashes early in his career led Navy officials to question or fault his judgment.
By Ralph Vartabedian and Richard A. Serrano, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers October 6, 2008
John McCain was training in his AD-6 Skyraider on an overcast Texas morning in 1960 when he slammed into Corpus Christi Bay and sheared the skin off his plane's wings. McCain recounted the accident decades later in his autobiography. "The engine quit while I was practicing landings," he wrote. But an investigation board at the Naval Aviation Safety Center found no evidence of engine failure.
The young McCain has often been described as undisciplined and fearless -- a characterization McCain himself fostered in his autobiography.
McCain, the son and grandson of admirals, had a privileged status in the Navy. He was invited to the captain's cabin for dinner on the maiden voyage of the Enterprise in 1962, a perk other aviators and sailors attributed to his famous name, recalled Gene Furr, an enlisted man who shared an office and went on carrier deployments with McCain over three years.
Southern Spain, around December 1961
McCain was on a training mission when he flew low and ran into electrical wires. He brought his crippled Skyraider back to the Intrepid, dragging 10 feet of wire, sailors and aviators recalled.
In his 1999 autobiography, "Faith of My Fathers," McCain briefly recounts the incident, calling it the result of "daredevil clowning" and "flying too low." McCain did not elaborate on what happened, and The Times could find no military records of the accident.
When he struck the wires, McCain severed an oil line in his plane, said Carl Russ, a pilot in McCain's squadron. McCain's flight suit and the cockpit were soaked in oil, added Russ, who nonetheless said McCain was a good pilot.
The next day, McCain went to the flight deck with his superior officers and some of the crew to inspect the damage. A gaggle of sailors surrounded the plane.
Clark Sherwood, an enlistee responsible for hanging ordnance on the squadron's planes, recalled standing on the deck with McCain. "I said, 'You're lucky to be alive.' McCain said, 'You bet your ass I am,'
Cape Charles, Va., Nov. 28, 1965
Over the Eastern Shore of Virginia, McCain descended below 7,000 feet on a landing approach in a T-2 trainer jet, according to accident records. He said he heard an explosion in his engine and lost power. He said he tried unsuccessfully to restart the engine.
He spotted a local drag strip and considered trying to glide to a landing there but finally had to eject at 1,000 feet. The plane crashed in the woods. McCain escaped injury and was picked up by a farmer.
In a report dated Jan. 18, 1966, the Naval Aviation Safety Center said it could not determine the cause of the accident or corroborate McCain's account of an explosion in the engine. A close examination of the engine found "no discrepancies which would have caused or contributed to engine failure or malfunction."
The report found that McCain, then assigned to squadron VT-7 in Meridian, Miss., had made several errors: He failed to switch the plane's power system to battery backup, which "seriously jeopardized his survival chances." His idea of landing on the drag strip was "viewed with concern and is indicative of questionable emergency procedure."
In Vietnam, McCain was on his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam when a surface-to-air missile struck his A-4 attack jet. He was flying 3,000 feet above Hanoi.
A then-secret report issued in 1967 by McCain's squadron said the aviators had learned to stay at an altitude of 4,000 to 10,000 feet in heavy surface-to-air missile environments and look for approaching missiles.
The man has a documented history of being a risk-taker, he’s impulsive, he has acted erratically again and again and again. Not the personality I want as a president. Not now.
One last point:
McCain has close ties to Georgia (the country). He wants them to be in NATO.
From the Washington Post:
A lobbying firm partly owned by McCain’s adviser, Randy Scheunemann, signed a $200,000 contract to continue providing strategic advice to the Georgian government in Washington.
With all our problems, do we need to use force to defend an geopolitical ideology in Eastern Europe? With McCain that is a very real possibility. Why on earth would we do that? That’s the same logic that took my father’s life.
Please watch this from a top Republican:
I can’t vote for someone who is for abortion
This very well may be your reason for voting for McCain. I am also against abortion. But McCain changed his views to get nominated. Please watch.
Here is the practical truth. Over 6 of the last 8 years avid Pro-Life Republicans have controlled the Presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court. If Republican politicians were actually going to reverse Roe v Wade, they had their chance. Let’s face it, Bush and the Republicans talked the talk but didn’t walk the walk. They told you the would, so you would vote for them, because they know the issue is important to you.
The right wing will not control Congress again in your lifetime. That’s a fact. Electing McCain will NOT get Roe v Wade overturned. That’s what Bush promised you. He never even tried. The moment has passed. Consider using another criteria (economy, for example) to choose the next President.
One last thing:
McCain ends every speech with the words “fight, fight, fight, fight”.
What are we fighting?
This isn’t a football game. It’s people’s lives. It’s our kids and grandkids future.
We have been fighting each other too long.
Let’s stop fighting and start working together. It’s tough out there.
One more video:
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