The Monologue from the Vagina (it certainly didn't pass through Eve Ensler's brain)
The e-mail currently circulating from Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues (which, by the way, I found nauseating in the extreme) is the stupidest thing I’ve read so far about Sarah Palin. Maybe the stupidest thing I've read, period. Not believing in evolution=not believing in positive change? Those who believe G-d created the universe are evil? Feminism = saving the earth? Maybe feminism means making choices as a woman – like having a Down’s Syndrome baby instead of doing the trendy Leftist thing and aborting it, or encouraging your teenage daughter not to abort her baby and dealing with the consequences, even if it makes you look bad during a Presidential campaign. Maybe it means having a family, raising five kids, and trying to make your little town a little better, and then your State, which is exactly what Sarah Palin has done. How many kids has Eve raised?
I met Eve Ensler. I thought perhaps, just from that brief encounter, she might be-- this was my initial impression-- a psycho. This letter confirms it.
There is no such word as incested. And if Eve is voting for Obama, it’s one more reason to vote for McCain.
But that’s just my opinion as a feminist.
This is from Eve Ensler, who wrote The Vagina Monologues.
I don't like raging at women. I am a Feminist and have spent my life trying to build community, help empower women and stop violence against them. It is hard to write about Sarah Palin. This is why the Sarah Palin choice was all the more insidious and cynical. The people who made this choice count on the goodness and solidarity of Feminists.
Eve Ensler
But everything Sarah Palin believes in and practices is antithetical to Feminism which for me is part of one story -- connected to saving the earth, ending racism, empowering women, giving young girls options, opening our minds, deepening tolerance, and ending violence and war.
I believe that the McCain/Palin ticket is one of the most dangerous choices of my lifetime, and should this country chose those candidates the fall-out may be so great, the destruction so vast in so many areas that America may never recover. But what is equally disturbing is the impact that duo would have on the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this is not a joke. In my lifetime I have seen the clownish, the inept, the bizarre be elected to the presidency with regularity.
Sarah Palin does not believe in evolution. I take this as a metaphor. In her world and the world of Fundamentalists nothing changes or gets better or evolves. She does not believe in global warming. The melting of the arctic, the storms that are destroying our cities, the pollution and rise of cancers, are all part of God's plan. She is fighting to take the polar bears off the endangered species list. The earth, in Palin's view, is here to be taken and plundered. The wolves and the bears are here to be shot and plundered. The oil is here to be taken and plundered. Iraq is here to be taken and plundered. As she said herself of the Iraqi war, "It was a task from God."
Sarah Palin does not believe in abortion. She does not believe women who are raped and incested and ripped open against their will should have a right to determine whether they have their rapist's baby or not.
She obviously does not believe in sex education or birth control. I imagine her daughter was practicing abstinence and we know how many babies that makes.
Sarah Palin does not much believe in thinking. From what I gather she has tried to ban books from the library, has a tendency to dispense with people who think independently. She cannot tolerate an environment of ambiguity and difference. This is a woman who could and might very well be the next president of the United States. She would govern one of the most diverse populations on the earth.
Sarah believes in guns. She has her own custom Austrian hunting rifle. She has been known to kill 40 caribou at a clip. She has shot hundreds of wolves from the air.
Sarah believes in God. That is of course her right, her private right. But when God and Guns come together in the public sector, when war is declared in God's name, when the rights of women are denied in his name, that is the end of separation of church and state and the undoing of everything America has ever tried to be.
I write to my sisters. I write because I believe we hold this election in our hands. This vote is a vote that will determine the future not just of the U.S., but of the planet. It will determine whether we create policies to save the earth or make it forever uninhabitable for humans. It will determine whether we move towards dialogue and diplomacy in the world or whether we escalate violence through invasion, undermining and attack. It will determine whether we go for oil, strip mining, coal burning or invest our money in alternatives that will free us from dependency and destruction. It will determine if money gets spent on education and healthcare or whether we build more and more methods of killing. It will determine whether America is a free open tolerant society or a closed place of fear, fundamentalism and aggression.
If the Polar Bears don't move you to go and do everything in your power to get Obama elected then consider the chant that filled the hall after Palin spoke at the RNC, "Drill Drill Drill." I think of teeth when I think of drills. I think of rape. I think of destruction. I think of domination. I think of military exercises that force mindless repetition, emptying the brain of analysis, doubt, ambiguity or dissent. I think of pain.
Do we want a future of drilling? More holes in the ozone, in the floor of the sea, more holes in our thinking, in the trust between nations and peoples, more holes in the fabric of this precious thing we call life
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
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When Obama leads America into becoming the next Islamic State, who will be there to speak for women's rights! No one.
What kind of right is it to be stoned to death for being raped?
Has Eve Ensler considered the options? If Obama becomes the President of the U.S. every country in the world, except the Islamic ones, will turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the plight of Americans.
Ms. Palin actually did practice what Ms. Ensler preaches. When confronted with the reality of a "Downs Syndrome" baby, one that doctors would have advised her to terminate, she CHOSE to keep the baby. Is this not Ms. Enslers stand? Women should have a RIGHT TO CHOOSE.
Or is this a case that it's all right to choose as long as your choice is everyone elses, including Ms. Enslers?
Oh Naomi - I LOVE YOU!
This women has holes in her head. Why hasn't she been sent for counseling yet? I feel sorry for this poor lost soul. This is an example of the far left that is voting for Obama. OY Vei!!!
What we have to realize is that Eve Ensler speaks for a type of fundamentalism that is insidious--if not more--than the ostensible religous fundamentalisnm it decries.
Call it Hollywood fundamentalism.
But dont call Ensler deranged (although one may say that the doctrines of said Hollywood Fundamentalism originate from organs other than the brain). Instead, take what she says at face value: her screed is the closest thing I've seen to a list of secular dogma/catechism, or, lehavdil, ikkarei emunah for the hard Left.
Ensler might be a psycho. But her dogmas are calculated and consistently porulgated, in spite of the lack of intellectual honesty or consistency. But such is the nature of any Fundamentalism.
It boggles the mind how the lies, falsehoods, and misquotes are used to describe Sarah Palin. I guess the bottom line for these new, post-modern 'feminists' is that if you don't follow their creed, you are to be treated as vile. And if you are someone in a position of authority, power, or having the potential of that position, then anything goes in an attempt to diminish, degrade, and defame, as a way of making them irrelevant.
The reality is that the more the far left attempts to destroy Sarah Palin by attacking her and her beliefs, the more she is admired.
I may not agree with everything she says or does, but I respect her for what she has done and how she has done it.
One last point - how many of these far-left environmentalists, those that want to shut down all drilling within the US territories, use fossil-fuels in their everyday lives? Do they use electricity from their local electric grid? Do they drive a car that uses gasoline (hybrid or not)? Do they use plastic products? Unless they have forsaken the use of fossil-based fuels or their byproducts, then aren't they being hypocritical?
I will conclude with the fact that Barak Obama scares me and I think he is the real danger to the future of the US. Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air to a political system that desperately needs it.
This lady must have a very sad life to be so angry. I'd never heard of her before you posted, but she sure sounds like she is full of her own self importance to pontificate to women as she does. We don't all believe what she believes. If Eve is a representative of Feminism, then I reject it outright.
Sarah Palin is not perfect - no human being is. But I am happy to see that she is faithfully married, raising a family, still serving her community.
And this is how my Dad puts it:
Feminism as EE practices it is about hate, just as is liberalism. I’m beginning to think that all “Tikkun” philosophies are disguised hatred. Many things don’t need fixing.
Note, however, that in order to criticize it, she reproduces it. Mistake to do so without annotating it in detail.
For example—you don’t “not believe “ in evolution---you just don’t accept it as a theory. Whether you do or not should normally never reflect on your other intellectual abilities, just like your dietary preferences, Kosher or vegetarian. I accept evolution as a theory, and Gd as a reality. The reality of Gd lies in the hardwiring of my neurons since birth, which is why he is real to me.
I accept the theory of evolution because at a conscious level, evolution makes consistent logical sense, which is the way my brain operates day to day. They are two non-intersecting systems of dealing with the outside world. Logic should not influence the hardwired circuits, and neither should the hardwired circuits determine analysis of relationships between outside observations.
When people try to make the circuits intersect, you get into unpredictable trouble.
Also, the fact that I believe a woman has the right to choose to abort her child does not mean that I am in favor of abortion---especially if it means ending a life because it interferes with one’s l;ifestyle, or imposes inconvenient responsibility. The “right to choose” also implies the right to choose to keep an unborn child alive. It implies sufficient humility to comprehend that we may not be smart enough to decide that a young life should be terminated in utero, or shortly after birth, and willingness to accept responsibility for becoming pregnant. However, in these matters, the woman has the prime right to decide; I believe the man to be subordinate.
The connection between feminism, global warming, pollution, and the rise of cancers is tenuous, and somewhat paranoid.
Not all wolves and polar bears should be free to roam. Not all species are sacrosanct. Should one not kill a cockroach? A rat? Don’t they have rights? Should St. Patrick be castigated for not considering the rights of snakes?
Why leave all the oil in the ground? Because someday it may be gone? We may be gone before it is gone. We are allowed to remove stones from the earth that had been there for eons to build houses; why not remove the oil?
Abolishing guns is stupid. If all Israelis banned guns there would be no Israel the next day.
“…., "Drill Drill Drill." I think of teeth when I think of drills. I think of rape. I think of destruction. I think of domination. I think of military exercises that force mindless repetition, emptying the brain of analysis, doubt, ambiguity or dissent. I think of pain.---“ Lady, you need a tranquilizer.
I would like to post this on Even Ensler’s website:
Ah yes, all the things that make you cringe: people that believe in a Gd, people that believe in absolutes, in a palpable morality, in our own goodness and in the reality of evil and the need to destroy it, in God-given natural resources (oil, animals, atomic nuclei) for us to use to better our lives, and people who reject your sterile misanthropic blather. Well, cringe away--- your vagina is only a vagina, but a good woman will have enough other organs to be our next vice president.
Eve Ensler is example of someone stuck in the Sixties feeling that the Sixties ( with their Peace, Love, Pacifism, Socialism, and Idealism ) are finally returning in the person of Barack Obama. Then being confronted by Sarah Palin and thinking the return of all things Sixties are being snatched away - Again. Bitter and Angry and filled with Hate - More proof that the Sixties were an imperfect fantasy, and it's time to grow up!
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