Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Secret to His Success

The Secret to His Success

Naomi Ragen

I got a ton of responses to my short e-mail “exchange with a reader.” Since then, I have been pondering long and hard what the reason could be for the enthusiastic, nay, evangelistic Jewish cheerleaders for Barack Hussein Obama, despite the many, many red flags that have gone up ever since he decided to run for President of the United States of America. One e-mail, in particular, opened my eyes to what could be the underlying reason. He wrote:

“You may think you are right but if McCain and Palin get elected, the U.S. will continue to go down hill, and if this country gets in worse shape financially this country will eventually blame the Jews …..”

Hmm. I never considered that. Could it be that the Jews of America are really not as comfortable there as they pretend to be? Could it be that the Reverend Wright, that home-grown anti-Semite who went to Libya to meet terrorist Qaddafi, and who gave an award to Louis Farrakhan for “leadership, ” being a heartbeat away from the Democratic nominee for President has scared the Jews of America out of their wits?

Could it be that these Jews are so incredibly grateful to Barack Obama for disassociating himself after 20 years with this anti-Semitic message and so terrified of losing his support, pushing him and his golden oratory back into the arms of people like Wright, that they are hell-bent on currying his favor and showing they are “good Jews?” (Caveat: it Obama’s throwing Wright under the bus is clearly a blatant attempt to improve his chances at gaining the Jewish vote --Farrakhan himself said on Nightline that he “admired“ Obama and understood if he needed to disassociate himself temporarily in order to win the Presidency).

Are Jews now beginning to feel the solid ground of the American haven that has sheltered them shaking beneath their feet? Is that the reason that they have listened to the golden-voiced Obama, who is really nothing more than an evangelical preacher, saying: “ Who are you going to believe, your eyes or me?” and dismissed their own vision? Are they truly so enraptured that they are willing to place all their hopes in this unknown with a very hazy past, to protect them from the Ahmadinejads, to “negotiate” for them their way out of the hellhole being dug out for them by the Muslims, and the European Union, and the U.N. and homegrown Black Antisemitism, and anti-Zionist Peace-Nowers-J-Streeters- let’s-blame-Israel-for-daring-to-existers, the Israel- should- give- up -and -give in-ers? Can it be that some American Jews are ashamed to be Israel supporters, and feel they will be safer if they side against their own people and by supporting a clearly, blatantly anti-Israel candidate they are fulfilling that need? Or is it that Obama is not so much a mesmerizing speaker, as he is a person with a message that is music to Jewish American ears; the foolish idea that they don’t have to take sides in this election. That they can be pro-Israel and elect a candidate that says his is also pro-Israel, despite so much evidence to the contrary, including a belief in “diplomacy” i.e. pushing Israel into suicidal concessions to placate enemies like Ahmadinejad, Hezbollah, and Hamas? He represents a way out of ancient Jew-hatred, a way thousands of generations of Jews hadn’t thought of? Is that the secret to his success among Jews in America?

Who are you going to believe? Your eyes, or Barack Hussein Obama?


Unknown said...

McCain believes that life begins at Conception. He would remove Bryer and Ginsberg and appoint more Thomases to defeat Roe vs Wade.He also believes everyone should stand on their own two feet.Obama is also not to my liking re: his bkgd, and his associates. Advise.

mytraintrax said...

Unfortunately it is the ignorance and complacency of overly protected and over indulged well to do Jewish youth and their misguided north American parents who have sold out Jewish tradition, heritage and linage for the false comfort of the almighty greenback that has brought Israel and the Jewish people to the brink of annihilation. Israel is a lost cause, it’s weak and can no longer sustain itself, and its right to exist no longer has Jewish majority support.

It is also the failings of the Israeli people whom themselves have exchanged their desire to succeed for complacency, that have sadly created the conditions that will cause the state to be gone within the next ten to fifteen years. The wealthy sellout libertarians will once simply again retreat and flee to foreign shores leaving their remaining countryman to endure the islamic fascist void left behind.

This being only the short prognosis as the Diaspora with the loss of the birthright homeland will soon face the same alienation and discrimination in the west that is currently fast collapsing under international islamification. If world Jewry is not prepared to defend and earn their own survival, they just don’t deserve to get it.

plwise said...

I agree with you Naomi. You are correct with everything that you have said about Obama. Obama is the one who is dangerous for this country and for Israel. He is too cozy with our enemies. Obama may SAY he is not muslim, but let me tell you he is no Christian for sure.
Irving, life does begin at conception. Just as your life began when you began growing in the womb. Abortion IS murder. As much as I would like for abortion to be illegal, it never will be. Which is sad because G-d will not continue to bless a nation that murders its unborn.
McCain my not be the perfect candidate, but at least he IS an American, and he wont sell the USA out to our enemies ON PURPOSE.

Miriam M.OR MM said...

As a faraway observer, it seems to me that it is not Obama we should be wary of, but whom he will engage as his advisers on all issues, including foreign affairs. The senior guy who will be his VP, somehow doesn't strike me as being more than window dressing to get elected. With McCain I think that most people will feel that what you see is what you get. Most have known him for a long time and recognise his cronies. Does that make the Jews more comfortable?

Normal Blogger said...

Irving doesn't understand that Presidents don't remove Supreme Court justices; they're appointed for life. Interesting that he'd like to get rid of the Jewish presence.

Most would agree that Thomas is the most ineffectual justice of the last 50 years. Unless of course you're a one-issue (abortion) person.

Unknown said...

I have been misinterpreted. Mc Cain said if he had his way he would remove Bryer and Ginsburg from the court if he had the option, and would appoint guys like Roberts and Thomas. I don't think that would be appropriate because Roe vs Wade would be stricken and there would go women's choice to make decisions about their bodies. I therefore would not vote for McCain. and since Obama is not to my liking, I feel our leaders would not satisfy, and seem inept....