I woke up this morning in Jerusalem, and absolutely couldn't believe that Barack Hussein Obama made the lipstick- on- a -pig comment. As a woman, I felt personally offended for Sarah Palin. You may not agree with her, but getting into politics doesn't mean she has to put up with this kind of crap from any man. Sarah, I'd punch him in the nose for you if I could!
But then I thought: What do we really know about this man? He admits in his book to cocaine drug abuse years ago. Maybe he's still using? That would explain the over the top comment. He's going to have to be in much more control if he wants to get away with his attempt to sell himself as a "new" kind of politician. The real Obama keeps getting loose.
On a television show, he made a Freudian slip, talking about his "Muslim faith" and had to be corrected by the interviewer. His claims about his heartfelt desire to care for the poor seem forced considering he couldn't care less that his own half-brother lives in a shack in Kenya. He met Obama once and said that there wasn't much interest there. If the guy had a dollar a day, he'd be able to manage. If Obama doesn't even care about his own family enough to send the guy a dollar a day, what does all his talk about "helping the poor and needy" really amount to?
Charity starts at home. From your own pocket, before you can pick the pocket of the nation to support all your pet "community organizer" causes.
I looked at the web to see if other women reacted as strongly to the pig comment. This is what I found as a response on one blog:
As a life long Democrat have to say that I have been totally embarrassed by our party. And today I 'opened my eyes', and thought about it.
As a Woman, I am so angry that I have wasted so many years working for this party, supporting the candidates, attending rallies, placing signs, sending checks. Our Party has proved once and for all that it is nothing but a Good Old Boy's elite club.
Please, hear me out about why I felt this way.
First, I really do not understand why we, as Democrats, would hire and pay entire groups of people to attend the Republican Convention to shout obscenity's, hold up banners containing misinformation and attempt to totally disrupt and dishonor the opposing candidates acceptance speech over, and over, and over again. What was the purpose?Sadly, I have got to say that I almost never see this occur in our Democratic acceptance speeches by attacking Republicans. In fact, I remember Mr McCain actually having a commercial that said "job well done" during our own convention. However, for years now, I have seen this disruption and dishonor by bad mannered fellow Democrats occur during the Republican speeches, and they are hired to do so. This really truly portrays our party in a very bad light.
Everything that Joe Biden spurts out is either misinformation, disinformation, or sexist anger! How dare he say a "Woman's place should be in the home", and "Palin is obviously sacrificing her family values by running for Vice President. Biden is Washington elitist through and through. Change? Now that's a joke, Biden is as far from change as it is humanly possible to get. Just another Dick Chaney.
To tell the truth, it is very embarrassing for both me, our family, and our many Democratic friends.
Obama, (a once shining star), has even changed, he talks down to everyone. Either his personality has changed, or his true nature is coming out. He's coming across as really arrogant, elitest, and snobby. He talks about being on food stamps while living in Hawaii, but the when I searched it online the Punahu school he attended is the absolute most expensive private elitist school in the State. Something about the food stamps story and the exclusive private elite school really does not make sense to me. And to tell the truth, the statements like, "I am the one the World has been waiting for"....are kind of scary.
Also, the obvious Media slant, spin, and one sided focus towards our Party, and, 'against the republican party' has become so transparent that this too, (is insulting to me), on an ethical and moral basis. ( CNN, TIME magazine). Call me crazy, but I do not feel comfortable in having to 'cheat to win'. Seriously.... Is it just me?,... or does it feel that our once very proud Democratic Party seems to be losing it's sense of honor and values?
I hate to say it, but it makes me feel 'embarrassed to be a Democrat'. I am certainly finding it increasingly difficult to have to explain to my children that although this is unacceptable behavior, it IS the Party WE support?
Who is responsible for these dishonorable attacks, all this misinformation (like the stem cell research), personal attacks on women with children working, Do they not understand that this makes our party look like we have lost our values, of not our minds.? Don't preach to me about Family Values, then lie, deceive, vilify Woman with children for having a career, slander and attack a Woman who knowingly brought a disabled child into this world, AND SAY SHE DOES NOT HAVE COMPASSION FOR OTHER MOTHERS IN THE SAME SITUATION. How dare you Joe Biden! How dare you use a disabled child as an attack weapon! You should be ashamed! Obviously, you and Senator Obama have somewhere along the line lost your compassion, empathy, moral values and ethics. I never thought that we could have a Vice President as bad as Chaney in terms of values, but Mr. Biden, with your comments in the last week, I believe you just surpassed Mr.Chaney.
I have to say that from everything I've read, heard, and researched on Palin, she is one hell of a Woman, "a real person," and not a (slick elitist spin master like yourself). For me she is like "breath of fresh air in American Politics!". And you know what? After reading what she did to the good old boy politicians in Alaska (like yourself), I can't wait to see her clean up the Washington bunch. She will go in their like a tornado and shake up the system. And I believe that John McCain, who has never bought into the good old boy Washington cocktail set, will back her 100%.
Sadly Mr Biden, to win at all costs using unethical behavior to do so, I have to ask the question: Is this really a win for the American people? I don't think so! You know, we should have seen this coming during the Monica Lewinsky situation, where she was just a sex object in the Good Old Boys club.
Am I alone, or are there other Mothers out there in America who finds this behavior of our Party disturbing? What do you tell your young kids?, ... When everyone in society condones cheating, lying, stealing, societies totally collapse....remember that was the reason of the fall of the Roman Empire.
Seeing the attacks the Democratic Party did to Hillary Clinton, and seeing the attacks the Democratic Party has done to Palin really truly opened my eyes!
And I'm sure that Women all over America and the World are witnessing the same thing with amazement! As of today, I no longer will support a party of Women haters, good old boys, and cheaters.
I instead am switching my time, money and energies to getting involved with the Republican party. Yes, it's true that we have quite a bit of differences in opinions and causes,.... but by getting involved, but I know that as a Woman, my voice will be heard, and I will work to change that party for the better.
I know that if I stay with the Democratic party I am just seen as a worthless Woman in a skirt, to be seen and not heard, who is not part of the Elite Boys Club, and their Greek columns and mass California type extravaganza of a convention (which reminded me of the 1938 Olympic spectacle that Adolf Hitler produced to wow the world with.
Women of America....you are wasting your time if your working for the Boy's Club Democratic party! OPEN YOUR EYES! Today I did!And I FEEL GOOD ABOUT THE DECISION!!
As for Sara Palin, YOU GO GIRL!
S. Chambers
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
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"Barack Hussein Obama"
That's not gratuitous?
the comment was OBVIOUSLY not directed at Palin. it was directed at the policies of the last 8 years. Were you outraged last year when McCain said the same thing about Hillary's health care plan?
S.Chambers, I am thrilled to know that the vail has been removed from your eyes and you are seeing the truth about the Democrat Party.
I can only hope that others now see what you have seen and will follow your lead. I saw it 20 years ago and left them at that time. Not only do we need to elect the REAL advocates of change to the White House, but we need to give them the House and Senate as well. Then stand by and watch them "shake things up" in Washington, D.C. and the entire country. I'm excited with anticipation!
...and Mark,
The "lipstick on a pig" remark was absolutely directed at Palin!! Stop defending the lies. McCain's comment was about a health care plan, NOT about Hillary. There is a huge difference. Women have experienced this kind of condescension and chauvinism for years, so we recognize it for exactly what it is and what it is meant to do. If you don't recognize it, it's because you choose not to, and that puts you in the same category.
Well, let's see, Orrin Hatch, that well known liberal Dem, said Obama was not referring to Palin. http://www.sltrib.com/ci_10447525 Same with Mike Huckabee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXokM9TaxeA
But i guess it was okay when McSame laughed when somebody called Hillary a bitch in front of him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLQGWpRVA7o
It's so sad that someone just can't be objective. Obama was CLEARLY talking about the Bush economy, not Palin. Just because Palin used the word lipstick in a speech doesn't mean that nobody can ever use this phrase again. Get real.
Thanks for the article... as a life-long GOP-er I appreciate anyone who stands for what's right esp., when it's hard to do. You know Condy Rice said her family was Republican because when blacks were given the right to vote, her father went to the Dems hq, but they wouldn't let him in... He then went to the GOP hq and they welcomed him.
You're right about Obama's charitable nature... or the lack thereof... To me it seems he's charity extends when it's through 'OPM'... as Palin puts it "Other Peoples Money" like our tax dollars... i.e., nearly $1Billion in earmarks in the last 3 years. And there's the endless flow of bucks from the Hollywood elites, and left-wing extremists to get him elected... Think of how many homes could be saved or for food and necessities, here in America or Africa where his brother is. He has never produced one product outside of himself that would create an income... Only 'OPM'... but somehow as president he's going to create 'green' jobs.
Obama made over $4mil in 2007, but gave only 5.8% to charity; Biden is worse of all... has avg. $300 (hundred) a year. Compare that to Pres.Bush, who gave 23% and McCain about 26%. And Cindy McCain is remarkable… She founded and funded medical teams to go to Africa, Asia, etc., travels and supports 'food for the Hungry', 'Operation Smile', 'Halo', etc., even went to Georgia as soon as they would let her after the Russian invasion. So there is no reason for her to have to explain 7 homes, which at least 3 are investment properties. Most of the Hollywood elite think they make a major contribution, for just showing their faces at a charity event, but they'll point their fingers at Cindy... Obama included... so who's the pig???
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